Protocols and Communications Utilities Under XMSF
There are a number of network protocol and network communications
frameworks managed under the XMSF project. The include no less than
three Distributed Intractive Simulation (DIS) implementations, and a
framework that turns text XML into a more compact, more easily parsed
binary format.
- DIS-XML: The recommended
Java DIS framework
- XMLPG: C++ and Java DIS
- DIS-Java: Legacy Java DIS
- XSBC: Extensible Schema-Based
Compression, a binary XML format
Why three? Over the years we've developed them to meet different needs.
A quick description of each of them is below.
This is a more modern implementation and the prefered Java
The objective of DIS-XML is to introduce another format in which to
represent PDUs. Where DIS-Java had two formats--the Java object format
and the IEEE-1278 binary format--DIS-XML introduces a third way to
represent PDUs, namely XML format. This means that PDUs can be read
from the wire in binary format, turned into Java objects, and then
written out in XML format. An XML representation of PDUs opens up the
DIS world to all the tools used in the XML world, include web services,
archiving, XML database tools, and so on.
While DIS-Java used hand-written code, DIS-XML is created using a mix
of automatically generated code and some hand-written code. Sun's Java
API for XML Binding (JAXB) is used along with an XML schema written to
describe the DIS protocol to automatically generate Java language
classes that describe the PDU. For example, this is a fragment from the
schema that describes DIS:
<xsd:documentation>Denotes 32-bit floating-point
<xsd:attribute name="x" type="xsd:float"/>
<xsd:attribute name="y" type="xsd:float"/>
<xsd:attribute name="z" type="xsd:float"/>
Sun's JAXB tool will read this schema description and turn it into a
Java class that has a class name of "Vector3Float", class comments as
described by the xsd:documentation tag, and three instance variables
declared as floats with the names "x", ,"y", and "z".
While most of the work of writing the class is done for you, it is
still required that the programmer write code to write the PDUs into
IEEE binary format, and read them from IEEE binary format into object
format. JAXB can automatically read and write Java objects to an XML
format compatible with the XML schema, so no programmer effort s
required to implement this feature. About twenty of the most used PDUs
have been fully implemented. About fifty PDUs have been described in
the XML schema file, but not all of those have had IEEE binary
serialization/deserialization methods written for them.
DIS-XML is easier to maintain than DIS-Java, and has better memory
performance; not as many objects that must be GC'd are generated.
This makes it a better choice for real time applications. The ability
to read and write XML also makes it the preferred solution for
archiving PDUs.
The features of DIS-XML include:
- The ability to read and write PDUs in XML format
- A simple networking framework
- An implementation that includes about twenty PDUs, and XML schema
descriptions for about 30 more
- A "slider application" that allows the user to rotate an X3D box
in a
window using Yumetech's Xj3D libraries
- Ability to send and receive packets to Xj3D implementations
- A rudimentary JUnit test framework
- A modified BSD open source license
- An XML schema that describes much of the DIS protocol
- Some code that can be used in MATLAB to read and write PDUs
- An XMPP (jabber chat) bridge that passes XML-ified DIS PDUs
across a
chat channel
- Simple sender and receiver programs
- An ant build file
A page that describes how to download DIS-XML is here. This includes
instructions for downloading a pre-built distribution with jar files,
and instructions for checking out the latest code from CVS.
Protocol Generator (XMLPG) is a third
implementation of DIS. This implementation arose from a need for a C++
implementation of DIS for the Delta3D
game engine produced by NPS. A hand-written C++ implementation
would have had all the same problems as the hand-written Java
implementation, namely the volume of code that would need to be
maintained. Ideally we would have used the XML
schema from DIS-XML plus a C++ tool equivalent to JAXB to generate the
C++ classes. Unfortunately, all the C++ schema-to-code implementations
I looked at generated C++ code that was a horror show, even by C++
The solution was to come up with what is essentially an XML template
language that describes PDUs. This custom XML file is parsed into what
amounts to an abstrct syntax tree (AST), and that AST can then be used
to generate source code in any language. I've implemented C++ and Java
language output languages.
The process looks like this:
+-----+ +------------------+
| XML file
|----->| AST | +-->| Java source file |
+-----+ | +------------------+
| +-----------------+
+-->| C++ source file |
The programmer writes an XML file that describes the protocol. This is
converted by some code into an AST, and that AST can then be used to
output either
Java or C++ source code. Note that the concept is not limited to just
DIS; you can write many network protocols by simply writing the correct
XML file and then generating C++ and Java code.
Why not use the XML schema file rather than the special-purpose XML
file described above? It turns out that intelligently parsing all the
special cases in XML schema is a pain. There's a reason JAXB is big and
complex. Rather than deal with the complexity of XML schema I simply
punted and came up with a very simple XML file format that did what I
The XMLPG impelmentation of DIS features:
- A C++ implmentation of the DIS protocol
- A Java implementation of the DIS protocol
- A BSD open source license
- Simple example code to read and write PDUs (both Java and C++)
- Makes use of the HawkNL package on the C++ side for networking
- The ten our so most popular DIS PDUs are implemented
If you want to use C++ DIS, XMLPG is your only choice. It's the only
source C++ DIS implementation I've found. The Java implementation
generated by XMLPG is reasonably OK, has a smaller footprint in
terms of the supporting jar files needed, and is reasonably efficient
in terms of memory use. But it also gives up the ability to read and
write XML, and is unlikely to be maintained as rigorously as DIS-XML.
You can find out how to download a pre-compiled version of XMLPG that
includes the generated DIS code, plus instructions for downloading the
latest from CVS, here.
The original. DIS-Java is a hand-coded implementation of the DIS
(IEEE-1278) protocol written in the Java programming language. Full
source code and javadocs are provided with a modified BSD open source
license. This is from a conceptual standpoint perhaps the easiest
distribution to understand for a new programmer, because it is Just
Source Code, but it also has some well-known defects. It features:
- An implementation of most of the DIS-1995 PDUs.
- DIS Enumeration classes that include many of the "magic numbers"
to map arbitrary values to semantic meanings in DIS PDU fields. These
enumeration values were generated from JDBE web pages, which are now
several years old. You should not expect the DIS enumeration values to
include the latest enumeration values.
- A simple framework for reading and writing PDUs to and from the
- Rudimentary unit tests
- Simple (and somewhat elderly) AWT GUI applications for sending
receiving PDUs
- A quaternion implementation. There are standard quaternion
implementation released with J2SE these days in the javax.vecmath
package, so these probably aren't very useful.
- An ant build file
- Some simple implementations of unsigned numbers in Java
As you can guess, this code is somewhat elderly and isn't really
maintained any more. While conceptually simple it's also a pain to
maintain all the hand-written code. Also, it tends to produce a lot of
objects for garbage collection to handle, which makes it not ideal for
real time applications. Most of the getter methods for PDU fields are
written to return a copy of the field object, rather than the object
itself; this is nifty from a programming perspective, because
encapsualtion is not violated, but also churns a lot of memory.
The download page for DIS-Java is here.
This includes links for
downloading a pre-built DIS-Java implementation and instructions for
downloading the latest code from CVS.
Extensible Schema-Based Compression (XSBC) is a system for converting
text XML files into a more compact and more easily parsed binary
format. It is similar to several of the candidates in the W3C's
Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) working group. The overall objective is
to create XML files that are smaller than text files, ideally smaller
when gzipped than a text XML file when gzipped, and is faster to parse
and in data binding than text XML. This last criteria is not always
immediatly obvious. When a piece of XML like this is parsed:
x="1.0" y="2.0" z="3.0"/>
The parser must extract the text representation of 1.0 from the XML,
and then convert it to an IEEE floating point representation and
associate it with a programming language variable. This process is
called "data binding" With XSBC and most other EXI formats, the value
1.0 is already in IEEE floating point format, and the bits can simply
be referenced by the name.
Instructions for downloading a pre-built version of XSBC, or checking
out the latest version from anonymous CVS, can be found here.